dalaxe.zip Axe! - Quake demo series by Dalias Watch me complete every level in Quake with the axe! Well, almost. Quake does not want to play back demos recorded on e1m4, so I have not included that one. And I have not yet made an axe demo on the secret level (even though I have completed it with just the axe).
dan1.zip Here's how I complete level one of Quake.
dan2.zip This is how I complete E1M2 of Quake.
dde1m12.zip a couple demos I put together of me going through E1M1 and E1M2 of Quake on the hard difficulty level
e1m1_134.zip The fastest Nightmare E1M1 demo yet!
e1m1_139.zip This is a demo of episode 1, map 1, on Nightmare mode (skill 3).
e1m1_152.zip This is a Quake .DEM "Competition" Style Entry
e1m1demo.zip Quake DEMO recording of E1M1 - The Slipgate Complex Nightmare mode 100% Kills 100% Secrets ...AXE ONlY!....
e1m1nfe.zip A little demo I recorded trying to get throught e1m1
e1m2smak.zip Quake DEMO recording of E1M2, 100%
e1m7_042.zip 42 secs for e1m7 in nightmare mode.
flooddem.zip 2 PLAYER DEMO-
gibbin3.zip This is my FINAL modification of the original solidmon.zip
gibs6.zip QUAKE Shareware v1.01 Multiplayer Demo
gibs7.zip QUAKE Shareware v1.01 Multiplayer Demo
headdem1.zip HeadDem1 shows a floating detached head being chased around by a couple of dogs in e1m1
headdem2.zip HeadDem2 shows a floating detached head being attacked by some ogres and taunting a shambler in e1m8
jeff2n2.zip 2 teams of 2 players going head to head on map E1M7.
miro042.zip watch ME finish E1M7 in only 0:42 secs
nasty.zip This is a small little demo
newdemos.zip 3 new demos to replace the somewhat crap ones come with Quake. All on Nightmare and all kill the player!
nicedemo.zip Its me useing my (nicekeys.zip) bindings.
obst048.zip Just put the obst048.dem file in the \id1 directory of your Quake dir and type playdemo obst048 from the Quake console, and watch me finish E1M7 in nightmare in only 0:48...
qin6.zip How to beat quake in under 6 minutes
quaked1.zip Quake Demos 4-6
quaked2.zip Quake Demos 7-9
shamble.zip This is a demo for Quake Shareware called "Death of the Shambler" and features the Shambler kicking monster asses.
shub.zip This is a demo of me end level on nightmare